visual lottery analyser
All in One Lottery Analysis System
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Main window of Visual Lottery Analyser

The Visual Lottery Analyser program is a cutting-edge lottery analysis software. It is distinctive, offering numerous features that are not found in any other software, it offers innovative analysis methods to enhance your chances of​ winning.
For the first time ever, geometry, point diagrams, and colors are utilized to visualize and analyze lottery games. Additionally, the software visualizes the game by displaying the ticket in various colors and geometric shapes.  it's designed for ease of use with no learning curve!
The Visual Lottery Analyser can operate in a fully-automated mode to accommodate your needs. 
The software works with nearly all lottery games worldwide.

 ​After placing an order, the license key will be sent to you via email on the same day. If the email is missed or lost, you can retrieve your key by yourself. Please see the Software Activation topic for instructions on how to do this.

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